How Can I Buy A Property With Zero Down? What Do I Qualify For?

Qualifying: To qualify for a loan a lender will use ratios. A lender will allow 29% of your income to go towards a house payment, and you can have approximately 10% of other monthly expenses. If you make for example say, $1,000/month, you could qualify for a $290/month house payment and be allotted $100/month for other expenses (credit cards, cars, etc.). Student loans do not count against you if...
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Buying vs Renting

There are 101 different ways to save money. Buying real estate is one of the best places to start! A client once told me that he didn’t have a choice of if he was to pay a mortgage payment, he did however had a choice of if it was going to be his mortgage or his landlords. Buying a home is a big decision and a big commitment. There are times when you need to rent such as if you can’t...
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Listing your Property

When you are thinking of selling your real estate in Provo, which agent do you choose? It is hard to make sense of all the letters you receive. One realtor guarantees that he has names of buyers that want your property. Another, harasses you with a mailing every single month. Another one sends you a magnet and another sends you “comparatives” that have sold, but how do they relate to...
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